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Mortadella Esselusso PGI

This authentic Emilian mortadella stands out for its irresistible aroma and delicate taste on the palate.

-          Size: 7/14/20 kg

-          Gluten free; No MSG; Lactose and dairy free; No added polyphosphates

Present on Italian tables since time immemorial, the history of mortadella starts from long ago, and the recipe and the craftsmanship of its production have been preserved over time in the Veroni household.

The art of our master charcutiers’ teaches us that a long and carefully controlled cooking process produces a velvety and balanced taste with an unmistakable aroma. Larger mortadella is the best, because it requires a longer cooking time, which therefore enhances the taste and flavour of the meat.

The indication “Mortadella Bologna IGP” (Protected Geographical Indication) is a guarantee for the consumer and a source of pride for Veroni, which has always invested in quality and craftsmanship.

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