
EN Icon Pfeil Icon Pfeil
EN Element 13300 Element 12300 DE


The Multifruit Line 1000 is our smallest industrial line for the production of aseptic pulp and juice. It is just 18 meters long, 2,5 meters wide, and has a maximum capacity of 1,500 kg/h of fresh product. The line is preassembled and supplied on three stainless steel skids: the first one includes the receiving, washing, and blanching sections; the extraction and refining sections are assembled on the second skid; the third skid Is dedicated to the aseptic sterilizing and filling machinery. Also in this case, it is possible to process different kinds of fruits with the same machines, so that the same line can work during different season processing many types of fruit. The line is automated and it is built with the same standard of our bigger lines, and for this reason its first quality products can be easily destined to both local and international markets.

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